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Wings Do Not A Faerie Make

Faeries are extraordinary beings. Unique in that we come into existence rather than are born. Each of us comes into being in distinctive ways.

"We are spun from divine inspiration. Blessed. We are the living embodiment of magic." ―Fairy Queen – The Magicians

My becoming Dizzy Dazilly has been a fascinating journey. I've undergone numerous transformations, a continual evolution, leading me to discover deeper truths and unlock untapped power within myself. For many years, I played the role of fae. However, perhaps it's the other way around. I am fae, and played the role of a girl. As I look back from this new perspective, I can identify the precise moment it happened.

Long ago, in a distant realm...

Amidst the radiant embrace of a sunny spring morning in a charming English village, the distant echo of cannons marked the start of a new day. The resonant toll of bells filled the air as the village gates gracefully opened, inviting both human and creature into its lively heart. A young lady, radiant and full of cheer, strolled through the bustling marketplace, captivated by the vibrant scene unfolding around her. The air carried the enticing aroma of candied nuts, and the market resounded with the melody of music and animated chatter, weaving an enchanting tapestry.

As she joyfully navigated the lively streets, a creature caught sight of her. Time seemed to pause as they gazed upon each other in a secluded clearing. Approaching with a playful and electric energy, they circled each other in a dizzying dance, slowly traversing an imaginary circular labyrinth that brought them closer together at its center. Just as they were on the verge of meeting face to face, the enchantment shattered, and the world surged back to life, catching the young lady off guard. The creature, she later discovered, was a Puck—a mischievous sprite.

Upon returning home, she sensed an undeniable transformation within herself. Unaware of the full magnitude of this change, a potent and brilliant seed had been planted. The sensation was unlike any she had ever experienced, yet its essence held a kind of familiarity.

In the ensuing weeks, the young lady reveled in the vibrant whimsy of the village. Her brightly colored hair and dresses became a beacon, capturing the attention of many, especially the village children. She delighted in dancing with them, spinning in joy until laughter echoed and they collapsed in playful exhaustion. Pirates, too, found themselves entranced by her natural charm, the ale in their tankards mirroring the whirlpool of their spinning minds as her mischief turned their world topsy-turvy. Humans and creatures alike fell under her enchantment. Thus, giving name to the Dizzy faerie.

Throughout the passing years, I have manifested and embraced this ethereal energy in various forms. Among these expressions, one of my most cherished games is playing dress up. My style ebbs and flows reflecting my moods and interests more than it does my magical nature. Almost always visible, my pointed ears are a giveaway to something other than human. My wings, however, are not always as easily seen. In the bustling embrace of the modern material plane, I have kept them hidden; etched into the skin of my back . They remain an energetic extension of me, their ethereal presence eludes those who do not believe and do not wish to see what is beyond this plane.

Many would insist I am elf simply because they do not see my wings. I'd like to note, not all fae have wings. Then, there are those who outright deny my existence as a magical creature altogether. In the past, I adamantly corrected this misidentification. I no longer do this. The way someone perceives me reveals their relationship with the mystical and has nothing to do with me.

Those who truly know, see clearly. This phenomenon has manifested in numerous instances. As the seedling planted long ago begins to blossom in wonderous new ways during this season of growth, I've observed a rise in those who can truly see. Allow me to delightfully recount some of the recent encounters that have brought me joy.

  • I participated in a collective gathering with the shared intention of raising our vibrations. During this event, I crossed paths with a gentleman who expressed both surprise and delight at encountering a faerie. In our conversation, I inquired about how he discerned my fae nature. His response came with a joyful demeanor, "I've played with your kind before."

  • I came across an individual who inquired if my ears were real. Playfully, I responded by prompting them to delve into the concept of reality. Unwilling to play, their conclusion was to label me an elf. I giggled before continuing on my way. Shortly thereafter, I encountered a woman whose eyes sparkled with joy at the sight of me. She conveyed her admiration for fae kind and extended her well wishes to me for a delightful evening. In gratitude, I reciprocated by wishing her grace and happiness in return.

  • I stumbled upon a local metaphysical shop. While exploring the bewitching array of items, my attention was drawn to an antique case housing an assortment of divination cards. The woman near the display went into an excited flurry of compliments. In one instance, she referred to me as a "fae-rian," eventually making her way to "faerie."

  • In a shopping center, a young girl took notice. As our paths crossed, she twirled with delight and gracefully offered me a lovely bow.

  • I met a woman in a store who knew immeiately. We enganged in an hour long conversation of our mutual experiences visiting enchanted English villages, dancing wildly to the the beat of drums, and the fun of playing dress up.

Fae is what I am, not what I look like.


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